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3 other YouTube channels you’ll LOVE if you’re a fan of Bailey Sarian
True Crime enthusiasts gather ‘round.
YouTube, like for more people at this point, has become one of those platforms that I frequent more than traditional social media.
As a creator myself, I would much rather get my information (and range of opinions) from real people where facts and public information aren’t curated for mainstream media.
That’s why I’m so indulgent in the True Crime and Non-Fiction storytelling of these amazing creators below.
Bailey Sarian has become the mecca of true crime channels at this point and whether you enjoy makeup tutorials or not, her bubbly personality and sense of humour are easy to hang out with.
But as we have seen time and time again as creator audiences grow into the double-digit millions, is that we want a lot more of them than they can provide.
And not so shockingly, in the jetstream of Bailey's success comes a handful of creators that have been able to catch some of the wondering and curious cats like me.
Although a very oversaturated platform, let alone genre within it, there are a few creators that are well worth the watch (or listen to) if True Crime is just as much of a passion of yours as it is mine.